And in order to meet the requirements of and increase support from peasants, the policy was changed from one of national ownership to one of peasant ownership. 并且为了满足农民要求、提高农民支持,将土地所有权政策从土地国有到土地农有的政策性大转变。
Donors bring ideas, energy, and resources, but they also can overwhelm national ownership by developing countries, harming the effectiveness of aid. 捐赠机构固然可以带来创意、能源和资源,但它们也可以影响发展中国家的主导权,进而影响援助效果。
Any public policy should have strong national ownership and you need capacity for that. 任何公共政策应该有强有力的国家自主权,而且你需要相应的能力。
National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin, and the fifth was ownership by small producers, that is, individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen. 第四张皮,是民族资本主义所有制。第五张皮,是小生产所有制,就是农民和手工业者的个体所有制。
They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers, that is, petty-bourgeois ownership. 此外,还靠一个民族资本主义所有制,一个小生产者所有制即小资产阶级所有制。
This gives you a strong advantage in terms of national ownership of the health agenda. 这使你们在国家自主掌握卫生议程方面具有很大的优势。
In the early days of their independence, they went the socialist road and converted to national ownership. 独立初期,两国都宣布走社会主义道路,实行国有化政策。
The so-called "One History and Double Use" is just the wrong point of view resulted from the wrong judgment of the national ownership and historical territory. 所谓一支两用史观正是因错误判断民族归属与历史疆域而产生的错误观点。
Under the context of national owned land ownership and marketable land-use right in China, it is more complicated to measure the insurance value of real property. 在我国土地所有权国有而土地使用权有偿出让的制度背景下,保险价值的评估要更复杂一些。
North's nation theory include three aspects: national origin, national function, national influence for ownership change. 诺思的国家理论主要包括国家的起源、国家的功能以及国家对所有权制度变迁的影响三个方面。
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over 32.4%, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 67.6%. 在当前我国所有制结构下,合理投资率或储蓄率不应该超过32.4%,相应地,消费率不应低于67.6%。
National ownership has already been proved difficult to justify itself in the legal practice. 国家所有权理论在法律实践上已被证明不符合民法法理,难以自圆其说。
Our system of the rights of mineral resources comprises the national ownership and the right of mining. 我国矿权的体系,包括矿产资源国家所有权和采矿权。
But within the national territory, national ownership involves that countries have the ultimate ownership of macro-control management. 但在国家领土内部,国家所有权主要体现为国家对水资源的终极宏观调控管理所有权。
Civil law protection of national ownership and therefore the country itself and other proprietary rights of ownership are of great significance. 因而国家所有权的民法保护对于国家所有权本身以及其他所有权都具有重要的意义。
The Right to the Contracted Management of Land is a fundamental right enjoyed by farmers on the basis of the collective and national land ownership. 农村土地承包经营权是建立在土地所有权归集体和国家所有的基础上由农民所享有的一项基本权利。
Russia broke through the old route, change the property right from single national ownership to the multiple ownerships, such as national, local governmental and private. 俄罗斯突破以往的路径,由单一的农地国家所有转变为国家所有、地方自治政府所有和私人所有等多种形式。
According to their main classification, forest ownership can be divided into: national forest ownership, collective forest ownership and private forest ownership. 按照其主体分类,可以把林权分为:国家林权、集体林权和个人林权。
The administrative monopoly enterprises in our country was left over by high centralization of national administrative power under old system and handed down from reform not fully done under the system of national ownership. Now, it is faced with the inefficient internal mechanisms and anti-monopoly external environment. 我国行政垄断企业主要是由旧体制中国家行政权力的高度集中和国家所有制改革不彻底所遗留下来,面临着效率低下的内部机制和反垄断的外部环境。
Some scholars insist that the national ownership to water resources is ownership in civil law in its nature, but some insist that it is ownership in public law. 有的学者认为水资源国家所有权的性质为民法所有权,也有学者认为其为公法所有权。
Under the premise in existing the duration of urban land-use systems and the national ownership of urban land can not be changed, should change its emphasis on public property in past legislative attitude, turn to increase the protection of private property rights. 在现有城市土地公有制和城市土地有期限利用制度不可更改的前提下,应该一改过去重视公有财产的立法态度,转而加大对私人物权的保护力度。
On the contrary, China practiced national and collective ownership. Farmers in China only possessed the right to use and benefit from the land. 而中国则是实行农地国家所有和集体所有,农民只享有使用权和部分收益权。
In last years of Qing Dynasty, the system of feudal financial centralization of state power collapsed gradually, and the national ownership of property was "moved outside" and "shifted down" seriously. 清朝末年,封建财政集权体制逐渐崩溃,国家财权严重外移和下移。
The subjective legislation situates national land ownership in a superior status in terms value, social system and morals. 此种主体性立法使得国家土地所有权在价值层面、制度层面、道德层面均处于优势地位。
National ownership of water resources is defined as ownership of the ultimate macro-control management at home on the basis of sovereign nature, rather than property rights on ownership. 应明确水资源国家所有权的内涵是其基于主权性质对国内水资源的终极宏观调控管理所有权,而非财产权意义上的所有权。
Implementation of national ownership by private law-based approach to improve the capacity of state-owned capital to serve the community, but the goal of state-owned capital is fundamentally different from that of profit-driven private capital. 国家所有权的实现可以通过私法化的方式来提高国有资本服务社会的能力,但国有资本追求的根本目标不同于私人资本的逐利性。
As the legal representative form of land ownership, two types of relevant land ownership were established, which are national land ownership and collective land ownership. 作为土地所有制的法律表现形式,相应地确立了两种类型的土地所有权,即国家土地所有权和集体土地所有权。
Therefore, the national ownership of water resources can reflect many of the rights of ownership in the state-to-state affairs. 因此,水资源国家所有权,在国与国事务中才能体现所有权中的诸多权利。
The Chinese "Property Law" has stipulated national land ownership and collective land ownership. Instead of sourcing from legislation based on the nature of the object of ownership, these two types of ownership are sourced from subjective legislation. 我国《物权法》规定了国家土地所有权与集体土地所有权,该两种土地所有权并非是基于所有权客体之性质的立法,而是主体性立法。
Chapter six, The core of agriculture state-owned enterprise supervision mechanism: the supervision of representative of national ownership. 第6章,农业国有企业监督的核心:国家出资人的监督。